Archive for February, 2014

Multi-Party Computation in 2029

Friday, February 21st, 2014

I gave a keynote talk at the Applied Multi-Party Computation workshop at Microsoft Research Redmond on Multi-Party Computation in 2029: Boom, Bust, or Bonanza?. Despite the risk of being proved horribly wrong in 15 years, my slides are here (also available as [PPTX] and as a video):

There are well-written summaries of the talk by Mahnush Movahedi and Mahdi Zamani and the Aarhus Crypto Group.

Dori-Mic and the Universal Machine!

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

My children’s book on combinatorics and computability is now available!

“If only I had this book when I was a young student, I might have done something useful with my life like discover a new complexity class instead of dropping out and wasting my life on flipping pancakes, playing with basic blocks, and eradicating polo.”
Gill Bates, Founder of Mic-Soft Corporation

The book is available for free download from and nicely printed color copies from