A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation, co-authored with Vladimir Kolesnikov and Mike Rosulek, is now published by Now Publishers in their Foundations and Trends in Privacy and Security series.
You can download the book for free (we retain the copyright and are allowed to post an open version) from securecomputation.org, or buy an PDF version from the published for $260 (there is also a printed $99 version).
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) has evolved from a theoretical
curiosity in the 1980s to a tool for building real systems today. Over
the past decade, MPC has been one of the most active research areas in
both theoretical and applied cryptography. This book introduces
several important MPC protocols, and surveys methods for improving the
efficiency of privacy-preserving applications built using MPC. Besides
giving a broad overview of the field and the insights of the main
constructions, we overview the most currently active areas of MPC
research and aim to give readers insights into what problems are
practically solvable using MPC today and how different threat models
and assumptions impact the practicality of different approaches.