14 August 2011
University of Virginia people at USENIX Security in Union Square
San Francisco, 10 August 2011
Front row (left-to-right):
- Joseph Calandrino (UVa BS Math with CS 2004, UVa MCS 2005, soon to finish a PhD at Princeton).
- Erika Chin (UVa BSCS 2007, now a PhD student at UC Berkeley)
- Michael Dietz (UVa BSCS 2008, now a PhD student at Rice University)
- Jiamin Chen (finishing a UVa BACS in 2012, currently an undergraduate researcher on secure computation)
- Brittany Harris (finishing a UVa BACS in 2013, currently an undergraduate researcher on secure computation)
- Sang Koo (finishing UVa BSCS and BSCpE in 2013, currently an undergraduate researcher on mobile secure computation)
- Yuchen Zhou (currently PhD student in Computer Engineering at UVa, working on web security
- Yikan Chen (currently a PhD student in Computer Engineering at UVa, working on auditing information leakage)
- Pieter Hooimeijer (nearly finished PhD student at UVa, working in Westley Weimer’s group on programming languages and security)
Back row:
- Nate Paul (UVa PhD 2008, now at Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, with a joint appointment at Oak Ridge National Labs)
- Nicholas Christin (UVa PhD 2003, now faculty at CMU Cylab)
- Adrienne Porter Felt (UVa BSCS 2008, now PhD student at UC Berkeley)
- Samee Zahur (currently a PhD student in Computer Science at UVa, working on improving secure computations using partial evaluation)
- Austin DeVinney (visiting researcher at UVa, completing a BSCS at Radford University in 2012)
- Yan Huang (currently a PhD student at UVa, working on secure computation)
UVa students book-ended the symposium, with Pieter presenting the first paper (Fast and Precise Sanitizer Analysis with BEK), and Yan presenting the last paper (Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits). Adrienne Felt (Permission Re-Delegation: Attacks and Defenses and Michael Dietz (Quire: Lightweight Provenance for Smart Phone Operating Systems) also presented papers in a session that I was privileged to chair. Erika Chin, Joseph Calandrino, and Nicholas Christin were also co-authors of papers, and Austin, Brittany, Jiamin, Samee, Yan, and Yuchen also presented posters. Peter Chapman (BACS 2012) also presented a paper at HotSec, but wasn’t able to stay for the rest of the symposium.