Aarhus Workshop on Theory and Practice of Secure Multiparty Computation
5 June 2016I’m back from the Workshop on Theory and Practice of Secure Multiparty Computation are Aarhus University in Denmark. Aarhus is a great city for biking – you can rent bikes (with trailers for children), and bike down the coast from the old city, past the beach, and to the countryside, all on a bikes-only roadway.
Highlight of the workshop was unquestionably the musical performance by Ivan Damgård, Claudio Orlandi, and Marcel Keller:

I gave a talk on circuit structures and Square-Root ORAM:
abhi shelat also presented on Jack Doerner’s work on private stable matching.

After the workshop, we had a family visit to Legoland (about an hour by train and bus from Aarhus). Photo albums: Aarhus, Legoland.