SoK: Let the Privacy Games Begin! A Unified Treatment of Data Inference Privacy in Machine Learning
Our paper on the use of cryptographic-style games to model inference privacy is published in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland):
Giovanni Cherubin, , Boris Köpf, Andrew Paverd, Anshuman Suri, Shruti Tople, and Santiago Zanella-Béguelin. SoK: Let the Privacy Games Begin! A Unified Treatment of Data Inference Privacy in Machine Learning. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2023. [Arxiv]
Tired of diverse definitions of machine learning privacy risks? Curious about game-based definitions? In our paper, we present privacy games as a tool for describing and analyzing privacy risks in machine learning. Join us on May 22nd, 11 AM @IEEESSP '23
CVPR 2023: Manipulating Transfer Learning for Property Inference
Manipulating Transfer Learning for Property Inference
Transfer learning is a popular method to train deep learning models efficiently. By reusing parameters from upstream pre-trained models, the downstream trainer can use fewer computing resources to train downstream models, compared to training models from scratch.
The figure below shows the typical process of transfer learning for vision tasks:
However, the nature of transfer learning can be exploited by a malicious upstream trainer, leading to severe risks to the downstream trainer.
MICO Challenge in Membership Inference
Anshuman Suri wrote up an interesting post on his experience with the MICO Challenge, a membership inference competition that was part of SaTML. Anshuman placed second in the competition (on the CIFAR data set), where the metric is highest true positive rate at a 0.1 false positive rate over a set of models (some trained using differential privacy and some without).
Anshuman’s post describes the methods he used and his experience in the competition: My submission to the MICO Challenge.
Voice of America interview on ChatGPT
I was interviewed for a Voice of America story (in Russian) on the impact of chatGPT and similar tools.
Full story:
Uh-oh, there's a new way to poison code models
Jack Clark’s Import AI, 16 Jan 2023 includes a nice description of our work on TrojanPuzzle:
Uh-oh, there's a new way to poison code models - and it's really hard to detect:
…TROJANPUZZLE is a clever way to trick your code model into betraying you - if you can poison the undelrying dataset…
Researchers with the University of California, Santa Barbara, Microsoft Corporation, and the University of Virginia have come up with some clever, subtle ways to poison the datasets used to train code models. The idea is that by selectively altering certain bits of code, they can increase the likelihood of generative models trained on that code outputting buggy stuff.Trojan Puzzle attack trains AI assistants into suggesting malicious code
Bleeping Computer has a story on our work (in collaboration with Microsoft Research) on poisoning code suggestion models:
Trojan Puzzle attack trains AI assistants into suggesting malicious code
By Bill Toulas
Researchers at the universities of California, Virginia, and Microsoft have devised a new poisoning attack that could trick AI-based coding assistants into suggesting dangerous code.
Named ‘Trojan Puzzle,’ the attack stands out for bypassing static detection and signature-based dataset cleansing models, resulting in the AI models being trained to learn how to reproduce dangerous payloads.
Best Submission Award at VISxAI 2022
Poisoning Attacks and Subpopulation Susceptibility by Evan Rose, Fnu Suya, and David Evans won the Best Submission Award at the 5th Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability.
Undergraduate student Evan Rose led the work and presented it at VISxAI in Oklahoma City, 17 October 2022.
Congratulations to #VISxAI's Best Submission Awards:
— VISxAI (@VISxAI) October 17, 2022
🏆 K-Means Clustering: An Explorable Explainer by @yizhe_ang
🏆 Poisoning Attacks and Subpopulation Susceptibility by Evan Rose, @suyafnu, and @UdacityDave up is best submission award 🏅 winner, "Poisoning Attacks and Subpopulation Susceptibility" by Evan Rose, @suyafnu, and @UdacityDave.
Tune in to learn why some data subpopulations are more vulnerable to attacks than others! #VISxAI Poisoning
How does a poisoning attack work and why are some groups more susceptible to being victimized by a poisoning attack?
We’ve posted work that helps understand how poisoning attacks work with some engaging visualizations:
Poisoning Attacks and Subpopulation Susceptibility
An Experimental Exploration on the Effectiveness of Poisoning Attacks
Evan Rose, Fnu Suya, and David Evans
Follow the link to try the interactive version!Machine learning is susceptible to poisoning attacks in which adversaries inject maliciously crafted training data into the training set to induce specific model behavior. We focus on subpopulation attacks, in which the attacker’s goal is to induce a model that produces a targeted and incorrect output (label blue in our demos) for a particular subset of the input space (colored orange). We study the question, which subpopulations are the most vulnerable to an attack and why?
Congratulations, Dr. Zhang!
Congratulations to Xiao Zhang for successfully defending his PhD thesis!