Cray Distinguished Speaker: On Leaky Models and Unintended Inferences

Here’s the slides from my Cray Distinguished Speaker talk on On Leaky Models and Unintended Inferences: [PDF]

Leaky Models and Unintended Inferences

The chatGPT limerick version of my talk abstract is much better than mine:

A machine learning model, oh so grand
With data sets that it held in its hand
It performed quite well
But secrets to tell
And an adversary’s tricks it could not withstand.

Thanks to Stephen McCamant and Kangjie Lu for hosting my visit, and everyone at University of Minnesota. Also great to catch up with UVA BSCS alumn, Stephen J. Guy.

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Balancing Tradeoffs between Fickleness and Obstinacy in NLP Models

Post by Hannah Chen.

Our work on balanced adversarial training looks at how to train models that are robust to two different types of adversarial examples:

Hannah Chen, Yangfeng Ji, David Evans. Balanced Adversarial Training: Balancing Tradeoffs between Fickleness and Obstinacy in NLP Models. In The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Abu Dhabi, 7-11 December 2022. [ArXiv]

Adversarial Examples

At the broadest level, an adversarial example is an input crafted intentionally to confuse a model. However, most work focus on the defintion as an input constructed by applying a small perturbation that preserves the ground truth label but changes model’s output (Goodfellow et al., 2015). We refer it as a fickle adversarial example. On the other hand, attackers can target an opposite objective where the inputs are made with minimal changes that change the ground truth labels but retain model’s predictions (Jacobsen et al., 2018). We refer these malicious inputs as obstinate adversarial examples.

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BIML: What Machine Learnt Models Reveal

I gave a talk in the Berryville Institute of Machine Learning in the Barn series on What Machine Learnt Models Reveal, which is now available as an edited video:

David Evans, a professor of computer science researching security and privacy at the University of Virginia, talks about data leakage risk in ML systems and different approaches used to attack and secure models and datasets. Juxtaposing adversarial risks that target records and those aimed at attributes, David shows that differential privacy cannot capture all inference risks, and calls for more research based on privacy experiments aimed at both datasets and distributions.

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Microsoft Research Summit: Surprising (and unsurprising) Inference Risks in Machine Learning

Here are the slides for my talk at the Practical and Theoretical Privacy of Machine Learning Training Pipelines Workshop at the Microsoft Research Summit (21 October 2021):

Surprising (and Unsurprising) Inference Risks in Machine Learning [PDF]

The work by Bargav Jayaraman (with Katherine Knipmeyer, Lingxiao Wang, and Quanquan Gu) that I talked about on improving membership inference attacks is described in more details here: